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Alochona Chakra

Alochona Chakra is a half-yearly Little Magazine (non – commercial magazine) in Bengali. It is on contemporary Theory and Criticism. Its writers include eminent thinkers and litterateurs as well as young critics, faculties , research scholars of the universities as well as serious readers and critics from the broader field out of the academia, Its readers include young researchers, postgraduate students, college professors, advanced readers like Lawyers, Bureaucrats, Political Leaders, Young writers as well as Little Magazine readers and associates. It was registered in 1987. It has got ISSN registration in 2011. From 2018 it is being included in the UGC-approved list of journals.

Its special issues/supplements include: Special Issues on anthology of critical introduction of the doctrines/theories of leading thinkers of 20th century of various disciplines , such as, Philosophy, Physics, Linguistics, Social Science, Cultural Studies… Special Issues /Supplements on anthology of critical introduction of the contributions of the leading thinkers of Bengal in 20th/21st century. Special Issues /Supplements on Linguistics.Special Issues /Supplements on Gender Theory /Women Studies. Special Issue on Contemporary Bengali Poetry and trends beyond Modernism. Special Issue on Michel Foucault.Special Issue on Frankfurt School.Special Issue on Western Literary Theory. Special Issue on Social Activists of Bengal during post-independence era.Special Issue on Asoke Sen. Special Issue and Supplement on Karl Marx.Special Issue on Suniti hChatterjee .Supplement on Quantum Theory.Supplement on Noam Chomsky.Supplements on Pandits of Bengal.Supplement on Postcolonialism and Bengali Literature. Supplements on Film Theory.Supplements on Philosophy of Feminism. Supplements on Translation Theory.Supplements on Terrorism & Violence.Supplements on Jacque Lacan. Supplements on Counter Revolution.Supplements on Communication. Supplement on Gandhi: Religion & Spiritualism.


Though the Editor-Publisher of Alochona Chakra do not think Awards as the indicator of achievements, even then it can’t be ignored that recognition is very much a part of the journey . Alochona Chakra was awarded by Kolikata Little Magazine Library O Gobeshana Kendra in 2009, by Bardhaman Sanskriti Corcha Kendra in 2017 and Paschimbanga Bangla Akademi in 2019 .

Our Books

As the magazine is published without any external financial support, it had to arrange a self-organizing system to support the continuation of the magazine. As soon as the special issues are sold out, those are reprinted as books. Thereby the books titled Manan Biswa Porichoy (combined) , Protichyer Sahityatatta o Sahitya Samalochana , Uttar- ouponibeshikota o Bangla Sahitya, Michel Foucault, Frankfurt School, Quantum Tattwa, Noam Chomsky : Bohurupe sommukhe tomar have been published.

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